February 25, 2010

Tree of plum - stage 3

This tree remains a work in progress. Here is the latest update.

February 21, 2010

Tree of plum - stage 2

Added more buds, blooms and applied a dent. So let's see how this tree painting will turn out. More to come. 

February 18, 2010

Tree of plum -stage 1

                      I love trees! The beginning of my latest project.

Purpleleaf plum trees are a beautiful addition to any landscape. We have several, with one of them being the "mother" tree. This tree was purchased as an ornamental. Then the first year it gave us small red plums. We thought it might be a fluke, a misfit grafted product. We would wait to see what the plum tree would do the following year. Then right on time fruit developed and that year the plums were larger and darker. So, we have a nice large tree that is beautiful (ornamental) in the spring when it blooms, puts out enough plums for us to enjoy and gives some great shade. Some years I leave a few fallen plums and let them grow next to the mother tree until they're big enough to transplant. One the our transplants will be old enough to fruit this year and probably will. We shall see!

February 15, 2010

Presidents Day

Presidents Day 2010

A quote from Washington and Lincoln in honor of Presidents Day.
George Washington Quotes: "Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation. It is better be alone than in bad company.
George Washington"

BrainyQuotes.com All my life I have tried to pluck a thistle and plant a flower wherever the flower would grow in thought and mind. -Abraham Lincoln

February 14, 2010

February 13, 2010

Got snow? Make snow cream!

We did get snow and it's beautiful. Such a rare occasion for SC to have snow. When the flakes started falling I put a metal mixing bowl out on the deck to catch clean snow. Well, our bowl was overflowing last night and we made the best batch of yummy ice cream made with snow. The kids may get a chance to make more snowcream today.

This is a great clip for Snowcream. I did not make mine outside. Too cold for me. Having cold bowls and untensils help slow the melting if not making this treat outdoors. An outdoor activity the whole family could enjoy.

YouTube - How To Make Snow Ice Cream
YouTube - How To Make Snow Ice Cream

February 12, 2010

Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

A most unusual snow is in the forecast for the Southeast. Will we see snow? The last "snow day" forecast here brought a 2 hour delay for schools and no snow. Nothing like a "snow day" without snow. In South Carolina are not use to getting snow so just the slightest indication gets us all excited.

Many kids have their eyes turned to the sky today, waiting. Well, it's a half day for our schools and Monday is Presidents Day with no school, so the snow couldn't have better timing. Hoping for a happy snow day!

February 9, 2010

Fush has breakfast!

Having fish for breakfast has a different meaning at our house. It means that it's "feed" time for the family fish. His name is Fush. He has been with us since spring of last year when he came home with hubby and son after one of their fishing trips. Fush, thinks he should eat when we eat!

He's come to understand, however, that I'm not the one who feeds him, although I'm the first one up around here in the a.m. I walk through the livingroom to the kitchen in the morning in seach of the coffee pot and he spots me. He continues to watch me, slowly he moves to the corner of his tank and stares me down. He watches as I stumble through making coffee and feeding the cat while I simlutanuously rub the sleep from my eyes. I see him. Watching.
Fush must wait until hubby wakes up to have breakfast. Why? Because he's hand fed and gets more attention before 10 a.m. than I do. Yes, the fish eats people food. His breakfast is sliced bits of turkey or ham. Hubby, painstakingly, cuts these items into "worm" shapes. This is a clip of Fush enjoying his eats!

From JJ's Big Green Blog

February 6, 2010

Green Eye painting

Green Eye - by Joy Peterson

Below is the same project with two layers added.

Green Eye In Fence - by Joy Peterson
Capturing a peek of the past!

February 5, 2010

Pound Cake - Sweet Treats!

It's a cold, wet day here in SC. Feeling the need for warmth hatched the idea to bake something. So, after a search through the pantry and an ingredient check I came up with these sweet treats!

Chocolate Drizzled Pound Cake and Blueberry Bread

I used two packages of store bought muffin mix. To one batch I added 1 cup blueberries. Baking this mix in small loaf pans makes a perfect little pound cake. Each package makes one loaf. The time and temp from the package was used in this baking process cooking until they passed the toothpick test. Chocolate icing was melted and drizzled over the first cake, forming Chocolate Drizzled Pound Cake. I then sliced the Blueberry Bread for individual snack cake treats. Yum!

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February 2, 2010

Green eye -3

This is the latest update of the green eye paint project. The next post will be of the final picture.

February 1, 2010

Green eye - paint project - 2nd post

Ggreen eye done in paint. I've added more layers. Now to blend, shade and add details. Soon to post the final project! - JJ