February 18, 2010

Tree of plum -stage 1

                      I love trees! The beginning of my latest project.

Purpleleaf plum trees are a beautiful addition to any landscape. We have several, with one of them being the "mother" tree. This tree was purchased as an ornamental. Then the first year it gave us small red plums. We thought it might be a fluke, a misfit grafted product. We would wait to see what the plum tree would do the following year. Then right on time fruit developed and that year the plums were larger and darker. So, we have a nice large tree that is beautiful (ornamental) in the spring when it blooms, puts out enough plums for us to enjoy and gives some great shade. Some years I leave a few fallen plums and let them grow next to the mother tree until they're big enough to transplant. One the our transplants will be old enough to fruit this year and probably will. We shall see!

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