September 22, 2009

Cooking: Blueberry Muffins

One bowl of frosted, frozen blueberries....
Growing up we had lots and lots of blueberries.
My Daddy is a gardener who grows luscious berry bushes.
I close my eyes and picture him tending, picking, and taste testing his goods.

One well used and stained cookbook.
This is one of my favorite cookbooks. This book has everything you would ever need to know ( including things I'll never use, but like to read about) when it comes to recipes. My Mama gave me this book along with others and I share her passion for cooking!

An empty mixing bowl and ingredients.
Like an empty canvas.

Mixing and folding with a little love thrown in for good measure.

Muffins in a hot oven. Simple, easy and quick.

End results...golden, plump and full of berries.
Yum! OK, three of these look a little naked on top.

Ready to eat..taste the love!
My daughter is the first to enjoy this batch of homemade treats!

Muffins are one of my favorite foods. They are small, tasty bites of rich goodness! Not only are they great for snacks, breakfast foods, and lunchbox treats they also make me smile!

September 16, 2009

Teachers need prayer!


After being interviewed by the school administration, the prospective teacher said:  
'Let me see if I've got this right.
'You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their T-shirt messages, and instill in them a love for learning.  
'You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self esteem and personal pride.  
'You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a checkbook, and apply for a job.  
'You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and make sure that they all pass the final exams.
'You also want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicaps, and communicate regularly with their parents in English, Spanish or any other language, by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card.  
'You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for food stamps.  
'You want me to do all this and then you tell me. . . I CAN'T PRAY?

OK. I am normally not that interested in forwarded emails. Oops! Did I just make an open confession. This email, however, has just "hit the nail on the head" ---and it should be the forward of the year.

Teachers are hard workers! They don't get paid enough for the "jobs" they do that fall under the broad category of teaching. Yes, if anyone should need prayer in schools it's the teachers.

I'm a mom who cares and my opinion counts! Thank you to all the teachers who make a difference in the lives of our children. Teachers are everyday heroes!

Also, for any of my past teachers who may read this, my grammar still sucks! This is not your is mine! I was an average student who had much more potential.

You made a difference in my life because you cared. You pounded great amounts of information into my head, demanded too much homework, ran my day like a warden, expected me to be able to sit for long periods time and appear somewhat interested, had me clean the chalkboard, take-out the trash, dust erasers, respect school property (even the Math book that was first issued to my Grandpa), made me stand in corners, whacked me on the hand with a ruler,  called me by all my siblings names first-----because you shaped their lives,too! I thank you, not bash you or hate you (OK, maybe back then...there could have been some feelings...well, that were not so ??) Let's blame that one on immaturity.

On the flip side, you helped to shape the strong woman I am today! Some of the positive things I picked up along the way: the magic of a good book, to persevere, dogged determination, an ability to try to get along with others, the importance of a schedule, knowing right from wrong and how not to say everything or maybe even the first thing that may come to my mind, a interest in vintage items, how to be a productive human being, patience (still working on a formula to have more), to take pride in my accomplishments, what respecting myself means--and then others, to have goals in life, the need for volunteerism in my community, how to pay attention to the important things in life and to let go of so much more.

Thank you friend for forwarding this email!

September 11, 2009


By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. - Confucius

I'm thankful for so many things! Today I'm thankful for those who serve and protect our country. God Bless America!

Keeping a eye on you!

So, most girls love diamonds. I love pillows. This is one I made today. On the Today show they had a segment on making an eyeball t-shirt. What a fun craft it would be to make a shirt for Halloween. The episode did inspire me to make this "keeping an eye on you" pillow. It was a fun and inexpensive project. This pillow is made from old jeans and fabric paint. The reverse side of the pillow is an eye drawn in black permanent ink with the words "I love you" forming the eye. I can't wait to try another!
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September 9, 2009

Goodbye Summer! Hello Fall!

Summer is bidding farewell and Fall is well on the way!
Just a few of my favorite things.
Outdoors - blazing heat, waving flags and shadows
 my little yellow rose, always standing tall, full of beauty
the beach..sand, water and loads of fun
As the crispness of fall arrives I look forward to Halloween, walks in the woods, fall colors and family celebrations! Good Times!

September 1, 2009


Scuppernongs ripe for picking in my garden today! The grape vine is a transplant from my parents' home. Pass along plants, trees and flowers seem to grow best for me!
Plated on a butter pat dish for these pics.

Scuppernongs, are sometimes called "old fashion or old time grapes" or muscadines.

Tiny tower of scuppernong grapes continues to grow!
The end. Can't wait to taste these golden beauties. It is so nice to be able to have these growing as a great treat to eat and a good reminder of home.

August 24, 2009

Enhancing Pic of a drawing.

Who's hands are in your cookie jar? Learning to enhance my art work with Having fun! This is one of my original graphite drawings that has been distorted.

August 23, 2009

Two of my favorite things: baking cookies (peanut butter) and collecting Cinderella nesting bowls, Amish Farmer pattern.
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New- Live,Love Laugh T-shirt

Live, love and laugh. A good motto to live by. This shirt was made using a color resist technique. Items used to make this project include: black t-shirt, duct tape, scotch tape, magazines, coins, bleach and vinegar. A great idea and fun!
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August 19, 2009

Magazine stool

What do you get when you're finished reading all of those magazines? A stool. This one is made of six magazines total ( the best paper page quality, can you guess which mag?) Trimmed with denim and topped with padding made from cotton fabric and cording. This was a fun project to make. Tiger, my trusty assistant, is inspecting the final outcome. She approves!

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Artsy Craftsy! Pillow

Sewing: I collect all sorts of materials and fabrics. Some are vintage fabrics that I love to recycle, bring new life into. So, this is one of the latest items. A garden pillow. It's fun and whimsical!
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August 15, 2009

Chattahoochee Chair

New tools are a great thing! This is one of many projects I hope to make. I wanted a chair that was easy to make, as I am a beginner woodworker. Also, I wanted it to be easy to move and comfortable either on the lawn or deck. Here is what I found when I went on a search for the pattern I would need. Thanks to Southern Pine.

August 13, 2009

Calling Mr. Sunshine!

This is one of my favorite photos of week. A red sunflower potted on my deck! The shadow of the sunflower sets it off. Shadows are a footprint of a moment in time. Rain, Rain and more of it for this week. So, waiting for the next sunny day!

August 11, 2009

Moon and Stars watermelon

This is the first of five Moon and Stars watermelons growing out back. I've never had much luck growing melons. This has to be the best attempt. Yes, this melon is small, approximately 8lbs. They should grow to be about 20 lbs. I cut this one because it had all signs, except size of being ripe. The fruit was a light red, probably slightly over grown. The taste, sweet and delicious.