July 16, 2010

Not always beautiful

This is the final result of the tree A project.

 Often when challenged by life we hang on to things that may not be best for us. Being unable to move forward or to make decisions hinders ones ability to function in life. As in our daily living it's best that we leave somethings unsaid and to let other things go!

July 14, 2010

Purple Leaf Smoke Tree hangs on

I bought it at a bargin for $4.00. I had my doubts that it would survive.
But with a little TLC this small tree is growing.

Sharing some plant love!


Chesapeake: A NovelChesapeake: A Novel

Wondering what a day on the bay at the Steed Plantation would have been like. Bear grease for burns? What a distance we have come.

signature stamp

Work in progress. Making of a signature stamp.

July 12, 2010

when monkey mind meets paint

What may look like a jumbled mess to one may look like a ship with her sails in the wind to another. Life is sort of like that too. First impressions are often the only thing discovered by some about others. It's a shame we don't look closer and find the talented, funny, sad or lonely soul that hides within.

This is me playing around with color! I know many of you have colored something similar as a child. :) Well, this is just one of the ways I like to start a picture. Here, it just happens that I'm painting with my mouse! I also do this when using colored pencil and acrylics.

Here I start with a crazy paint picture! I flip it a bunch and then I find the treasure that's hidden there waiting for me to unlock it!

This is the what I found in the crazy paint picture. Can you see the vases or vessels?

                                Vessels Of Three

Vessel: a container (as a cask, bottle, kettle, cup, or bowl) for holding something .

2 Corinthians, 4:7 - But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

Peace! JJ

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